BMAM JAMS ARE BACK for 2022/2023 !!

EASTERN JAM – Old Town Riverside Grange in BREWER

  BMAM will resume the Jam at the Grange, 1266 N. Main Street in Brewer starting October 2 from 12:30pm to 5pm on the first Sundays of the month.  

Thanks to the Grange who will have the kitchen open with food and drinks available to purchase. There are two large rooms and a small room for picking, and plenty of chairs for listeners!  All ages and ability of play welcome!  This has been a very popular jam for pickers and we hope to see you there!


The Southern Jam will now be held at the Wescustogo Hall & Community Center in North Yarmouth, Maine.  It is on Route 9 (aka Memorial Drive #120 in North Yarmouth).  It is 8 miles from the former jam, and easy to get to from Main Street in Yarmouth.  Follow Route 115 out of Yarmouth to North Yarmouth, turn right on Route 9 and the Wescustogo Community Center will be on the left. Parking and entrance behind the building. From Route 95, take the Gray exit to 115, left on Route 9.


We will be in Room #1.  Presently we have the room from 1pm to 3pm on the Sundays listed. We are hoping for lots participation from members and jammers and hope to extend hours if feasible.  All ages welcome.  All ability of playing welcome. Listeners also welcome.   To extend hours, sponsors or donations will be graciously accepted.  BMAM will supply coffee and water.  Looking for folks to help at the door, come early to brew coffee, and we would love to see a rotation of folks to bring snacks each taking a monthly jam and help volunteer for these tasks.   Please email Bob at if you can help at a jam.

BMAM would like to express its appreciation to Nora and John Krainis for the many years they ran the NYA jam!