The position of president is elected yearly. All other officers are appointed.President
Beth Revels (charter member)
E-mail: brevels[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Topsham, ME
Topsham, ME
Vice President
Joe Kennedy (charter member)
E-mail: jkennedy[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Ripley, ME
Ripley, ME
Nellie Kennedy (charter member)
E-mail: treasurer[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Ripley, ME
Ripley, ME
Patricia Laramee
E-mail: secretary[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Freeport, ME
Freeport, ME
Board of Directors
Five Board members are elected yearly for two year terms (maximum of 10 members)Chair
Hideaki Mizuno
E-mail: hmizuno[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Round Pond, ME
Round Pond, ME
Vice Chair
Taylor Smith
E-mail: tsmith[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Cumberland, ME
Cumberland, ME
Brewster Bassett
E-mail: bbassett[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Brooklin, ME
Brooklin, ME
Robert Bergesch
E-mail: rbergesch[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Yarmouth, ME
Yarmouth, ME
Shari Elder
E-mail: selder[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
North Yarmouth, ME
North Yarmouth, ME
Stan Keach
E-mail: skeach[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Rome, ME
Rome, ME
Nellie Kennedy (charter member)
E-mail: nkennedy[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Ripley, ME
Ripley, ME
Todd Ketcham
E-mail: tketcham[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Cape Elizabeth, ME
Cape Elizabeth, ME
Patricia Laramee
E-mail: plaramee[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Freeport, ME
Freeport, ME
John McKusick
E-mail: jmcusick[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Gilford, ME
Gilford, ME
John 'Roc' Philbert
E-mail: jphilbert[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Wells ME
Wells ME
Please feel free to attend any of the Board Meetings, held once a month, on the second Wednesday, currently held virtually on TEAMS. To request the link to join in, please email Meetings start at 6 pm and normally run for approximately an hour and a half. All are welcome!
Membership Secretary
Lucinda McGinn
E-mail: membership[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Dexter, ME
Dexter, ME
Recording Secretary
Anywhere ,ME
Anywhere ,ME
Cynthia Longo
E-mail: webmaster[at]mainebluegrass[dot]org
Bath, ME
Bath, ME