
Who’s Pickin’ Where This Week (11/14/22-11/20/22)

Round Pond Winter Jam Monday, Nov 14, 2022 : 4pm - 6pm Congregational Church of Bristol UCC, Round Pond, Maine Weekly Open Jam (winter location) [...]

There’s still time to sign up for Vacationland Jam Camp!

Bluegrass Jam Camp in Searsport Sept 15 - 17. Bluegrass experts and novices alike, there’s still time to sign up for Vacationland Jam Camp! September 15 [...]

BLUEGRASS JAMMING WORKSHOP at the LAST Eastern JAM of the season

BMAM is Sponsoring a Bluegrass Jam Workshop during the LAST Eastern Jam - OF THE SEASON Come Join Us May 7, 2017, 1-2 PM at the Grange in Brewer.  The Eastern [...]