The Bluegrass Music Association of Maine’s Annual Meeting will be held virtually this year on the Zoom platform, October 21, 2020 at 6:00 P.M.
Although not everyone has computer access the Board decided that given the current pandemic that at least we could offer our members with computer access the opportunity to safely attend the Annual Meeting by using a virtual option.
Note that the results of the Annual Election of the newly elected President and Board Members will be announced at the Annual Meeting and will also be in the 2020 Winter Newsletter, posted on BMAM’s website, and on BMAM’s facebook page.
If you want to attend the Zoom Annual Meeting, please contact Nellie Kennedy, Secretary, to request the logon information and link. Please send an email to at least 48 hours before the meeting to assure you receive the link in time.
All members are always welcome to attend any of our Board meetings as a guest. Please email , or contact Chairman Joe Kennedy at (207) 277-3733, or any BMAM officer / board members. We would value any input you can offer.