Looking For Newsletter Editor

BMAM is in an all-out search for someone to step in as editor.

We work with Kelly Smith Printing, who does all the layout and printing. A newsletter committee (made up of any general members and/or board members interested in participating) will be contributing and there for support. Basically, tasks include gathering the information (articles, letters from president and officers, flyers, announcements, etc.) by email and then forwarding the items together by email to the printer. The printer emails back the newsletter in print form, and the editor along with one or two committee members look over the newsletter to proofread. Then the editor gives the final “ok” to the printer to go forward with print.

Please feel free to ask any questions about the process. Thank you for considering this important part of BMAM. EMAIL: Mama Beth Revels at chairman@mainebluegrass.org or joekennedy@mainebluegrass.org or any BMAM Officer/Board Member for more information. PLEASE FORWARD THIS POST, as we want to reach as many people as possible.


bmam newsletter we need you