BMAM Elections

Hello Members,
    As you know, election season is upon us….BMAM elections, that is.  Each year, we vote for a President who serves a one year term and for 5 Board of Directors who will serve a two year term.  The Board is made up of 10 members and each year 5 new Board Members are rotated in.  This way we do not have to reinvent the wheel each year.  The Board meets once a  month for approximately 2 hours.  We have a good crew on and would like you to consider being part of the association that helps it to keep moving forward.
      Ballots are going in the mail shortly and you, as members, are encouraged to be nominated for consideration in an official position. The only requirement to being on the ballot is that you are a member in good standing (current membership).  You can sign up immediately, if interested.  There are still a few days to get on the ballot. Please email me at: asap, to be added to the ballot.  There are places to write in candidates, and you may use that in the election process but the write in must be a member to be considered. This is YOUR organization, and we are proud to have you participate in the voting process and in any way you can.
     As we pass our twentieth year as a 501c3 non-profit organization, we continue to run jams open to all who would like to participate. As in any organization, getting the word out about our activities is vital to the continued health of BMAM.  We have the webpage and the facebook page to help, but word of mouth and bringing new friends to jams has brought more people into bluegrass music than any flyer or advertisement.
     Our two jams in Yarmouth and Brewer have made great headway in bringing folks together to play.  Occasionally I have someone ask if there’s a jam in their area of the state.  If we have anyone motivated to try and initiate a jam in their town, the Board would like to help guide you as you start one up.  I feel that an important part of BMAM is to have a place for people to get together to play in a public setting, allowing new fans of bluegrass to come and learn about the music and the culture of jams.  Because, let’s face it, once you get into playing bluegrass together it’s hard not to become a lifetime fan.
     If you are a band, or a venue that has a bluegrass event, make sure you help us get it on the “Who’s Picking Where” calendar by using the online form on that page. The calendar makes for easy reference to great bluegrass events.  If I see an event happening (usually last minute on facebook), I try to put it on the BMAM facebook page when there is enough information.  But as members, you are encouraged to keep your fellow members informed by using these online options.
    See you at the jams!
    Mama Beth Revels,
    BMAM Chairman